Underwater searches and recoveries may involve a variety of tools and techniques. We have the resources you need.

  • At California Recovery Divers, we focus on locating and recovering a loved one. The first step in the process is a careful site evaluation, so we can make recommendations about the proper tools to bring closure.

    Some sites are appropriate for a SCUBA search, while others (typically large areas) are best evaluate using technologies like side-scanning sonar from a boat. We have access to the knowledge and tools you need.

  • Some operations require the use of specialized tools. Our divers have hands-on experience and access to the tools needed for a recovery. We're also experienced at working with outside resources, from salvage and tow operations to coroners and law enforcement to bring closure to any situation.

    Fine grained searches for small objects typically involve tender-directed searches with divers using SCUBA gear. In this situation, divers act as the "hands" of a tender, taking direction from surface personnel to exhaustively search underwater areas. Scene profilers create a map of search activity to ensure thorough coverage.

    Safety is a primary concern, so our divers use a 3-deep contingency system similar to that employed by firefighters and other public safety workers. All divers have extensive experience with blackwater operations and pass annual fitness tests. Confident, competent, safe operations are paramount.

  • Larger area searches require a different set of skills and resources, including boat operations, side-scanning sonar, or offshore grid creation and clearing. Our operators are adept at acquiring and analyzing sonar imagery, and we have the boats and the tools to find what you're looking for.

    Other searches may require the use of underwater remotely operated vehicles. Our personnel bring training and experience in some of the latest ROV technologies to help solve your recovery situation.

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